Our purpose by having built and ecocenter has not only been to make courses, but also spread a peaceful revolution creating consciousness and planetary awareness in all the people who cross our path. El Poncho is also an inspirational ecocenter and a leader training center.
There are many young people who have opened their eyes to a world which is not sustainable at all.
They want to make a difference in the world and they want to learn on how to make the necessary changes in order to keep peace on the planet, in order to change the world, specially their own world they are completely responsible for.
Students building a little mud house by the entrance... before and after finished below...
You can think that you are only one person and wonder how one person can change anything in the world.
Our answer is: Do not ever forget that the mighty Amazon River starts also as a drop of water at the top of the Andes Mountains where the Inka Trail begins… slowly, but surely; many small drops of water form the mighty Amazon River.